The Wind Bone

OnderaZ 8 years ago updated by savage doge 8 years ago 10

Maybe not the best time for new weapons, but ...
The wind bone would damage the hammer, its special would create a strong wind ahead in an area, knock down the enemies and drag to the end of that wind.
Its scope would be long.
I have in mind the design of this weapon, but I regret that I do not have the right programs to do it. That gun would be a big bone clearly. But I do not say a normal bone of legs and arms, I say a bone that would start with a thin point and grow until it takes a round shape from the top.
In an old publication, I said about a new black market, and such a strong iten might well fit this market nicely.


wow, people are quick to hate things. xD

Have you a picture of this weapon so we understand better??

a bone sword?

No, it's a giant bone.

How many bones for getting giant bone? 100? 200? And how to get it?

Maybe with 4.000 or 5.000 bones

It's not a bone sword ... ;-;

That sound after hitted by bone sword :D

so a bone in the wind?