Not a bug

Recruiting players bug

savage doge 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 7
I get no coins , please help me

Image 2074


Not a bug

Your recruit haven't played the game for a minute :) He made an account and left.

But...maybe it Indicate the gold that the recruit player has worked on for you and you've receive it.

From your recruit you receive 0 gold

Not a bug

Your recruit haven't played the game for a minute :) He made an account and left.

lul rip recruit

Than naughty f$#%ing cheater (Rezoner) has 54 more comments in userecho, 8 topics more, 500 points in arena and 21 recruits made by himself!! F$#$ you!!!

Mom's spaghetti, issa04 and me found your bad side!!! (Yes, I just woke up in weird mood :P)

That's the one and only warning you will get - have you ever seen me calling names on anyone? Do that once again and you will have to take a break from the forum.