Bow special move

issa04 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

Ahoy guys, today I've worked on a way to improve the bow's special move and make it more spectacular ... here's how: Now if the special bow move hits the opponent it normally hits him and loses him hp. Instead, the bow special move (similar freezing in the magic wand) will have the power of fire .... if the special move hits the opponent it will aflame him for 3 seconds letting him lose hp. But fire can be switched off after jumping in the water.

If a player approaches an aflame player he will also lose hp

I hope you like the idea, issa04.

Good idea.But how long the fire effect could last,and how much damage would be taken? +1 though.

I thought I would leave the accounts at Rez ... anyway I suggest that it will last for 4 and 5 seconds

I agree,since the bow is underestimated enough with it's reload and damage change thus far,at least what could be done is to increase bow's special damage by fire effect.

The title of this post should be: Fire power for bow