
Kill 3 enemy's with a bomb!!!

werewolf 8 years ago updated by issa04 8 years ago 6

     sorry to say but the kill 3 enemy's with a bomb quest is far to difficult

                 make it kill 1 enemy or use but don't kill 2 enemies.

apologies that this is not exactly a bug. but it didn't suit any of the other opions

also i would like to say that currently i cant do quests because both slots have the kill 3 players with bomb quest. so pretty much i cant do quests. which kinda sucks. eventually a lot of people will stumble across this problem and it makes this problem a lot more urgent! plz fix this rez :/


Solution: take two bombs and spear, jump in to the fort full of players and fast activate both bombs. Repeat again for gain 3 kills.

solution: do something