
bomb armor bug

palan 8 years ago updated by lordxalasa 8 years ago 8

if you get bombed you lose 3/4 health EVEN if you have armor

for example if you have full armor but get bombed you only have 1//4 health afterward. If you have haf armor  but get bombed you only have 1//4 health afterward. if you have no armor  but get bombed you only have 1//4 health afterward.

Also I think bomb should be stronger and be a one hit kill even if you have armor!

even if you have armor!

bomb shouldnt be stronger, but the armor thing should be fixed

A bit too O.P. don't you think?

If you take any amount of damage that does more damage than the amount of armor you have the armor will disappear and you will stills take the full damage on your regular health.

the problem is max armor is6 and bomb deal 6

This mechanic is a punishment for STAYING IN THE RADIUS OF A DAMN BOMB!

from the first update and versions of wilds bombs and knives was piercing armor destroy it directly so (knife was dfealing 4damage we only had 6hp)

i normal

its not a glitch its from the firsts version of wilds

bombs as never been changed

just 1 more damage at bomb after the update the 6hp too 8hp

it had armor pierce