Is this the NEW Wilds.io!!??

I EAT RULES FOR BREAKFAST 8 years ago updated by Disguised 8 years ago 16

Wilds.io gone wrong!!!!

Image 1866


what is your questions???

Are you blind???? It's in the title. Stop trying to expose me.

But what do you expect with this question Rez tell you no??

fool domand as you hahaha

You are irrelevant to this topic.

Guys, but does it seem like a topic to show publicly? EAT RULES FOR BREAKFAST could say the idea of deleting the message even without screenshots.

i think swearing needs to be like delete message


... wha...? WHA...? WHAT DID I JUST SAW!?

i have seen things that cannot be unseen....xd


Some of y'all need to learn how to spell correctly. For example a dude named Gabriel G spells "pinus"  incorrectly as it should be "penis" Stay in school kids.

Also, Highness, I am tingling to roast you but you're lucky that this is a forum for wilds.io, not your dirty ass comments. YOU DISGUSTING HUMAN BEINGS.

Grramer Nazzi moch?

BTW, I am not Highness. I am currently playing as Astral Red in-game.

Are you sure?? In my opinion, you play as Highness hahaha

issa stop being a kid. It's not funny. I EAT RULES FOR BREAKFAST reported a kid older than you (because you are 3 or you are writing like you are 3). Children think they are funny when they talk about sex, but they aren't.