

J4sh1n 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 6

Kick can hit you even after it's finished. It can be really annoying to dodge a kick, only to get kicked back after the kick has been retracted.


hahaha i actually noticed that, when i shot an arrow after the guy kicked (the animation was finished) and still kicked back my arrow


This is not big problem and i think kick works very good.

I agree, it would make the game really annoying if you not only had to predict when the arrows will be shot at you, but also the exact time. Sure it can be a bit annoying if you roll into someone when it looks like they finished the kick, but its fair.

It's actually a pretty bad problem for me, I get knocked down even when I'm not expecting it


People actualy can also kick arrows backwards = people can deflect arrows with their butts ._.