Under review

I do not understand the new Update.

Mati2709 8 years ago updated by Egzekutor 8 years ago 6

Image 1700

I do not know how it works and what to do.I will be very grateful as someone will tell who and what to do

"Use recruit link to get players outside the wilds.io - it doesn't work for existing players. Post it on facebook, game portals or give it to a friend." - info from general wilds chat.

Nie wiem czy moi znajomi bd chcieli grać. PS : Nie musisz pisać po angielsku skoro wiesz że jestem z polski. Dzięki


Piszę po angielsku żeby wszyscy mogli zrozumieć :p

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I jeszcze tego nie moge skopiować. :O