
Add a staff which can heal (but can't shoot projectiles)

Zenk 8 years ago updated by savage doge 8 years ago 8

Attack: melee (just like the ice wand melee)

Charged attack: heal (loses stamina), maximum range = 5 and can heal your self

Special: Heal aura around you for 10 seconds ( 6 range max ) 

Cost in the shop: Precisely 2400 

like plz, i did my best

Its ok i suppose good job with art!

I think this posting is unnecessary since it already has
a healing class planned
to be implemented in the game, and I think the healing
class will be more expensive than
you mentioned above.

I don't think he made the art...

And also, scratch out the "heal yourself" part an then it's balanced

well, it looks like art xd