
How to take out items from storage (fort)

BlackDiamondPL 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

I weren't playing wilds and i missed some updates. Claiming forts was implemented and i know i can put stuff into storage but how to take this stuff out.

click the items

I am clicking and nothing

i mean go to the storage and if you see any item on the bottom then click it

He's talking about he click items in bottom and can't get them

Today I was in room with gray people, in storage was 34 stamina potions, 57 haste, 70 health pots, 18 mirage potions, 119 knives, 30 bombs, 13 grenades and 45 ropes. The best was they was spamming they can't get anything from storage. The Very best is I couldn't too. The best best is nobody could get anything.

Sporo ludzi zgłaszało ten błąd

Widziałem że turcy umieją, tak samo i Rosja xd