Bugs List
Here is a list of bugs I have found or someone else has reported:
- The announcer says "Nice throw" after killing someone with bow.
- This one has been reported a lot, but when you use grenade or rope against an opponent shielding, you will be stunned.
- Sometimes you cannot use charged attack, even with stamina.
- When you get a mystery box, your clones do not get the weapon, but preform the actions of both the previous and current weapon. PS: Retexture and update the mystery box.
- Goblins can (sort of) walk over mountains.
- Teammates can still kill you by dragging you over spikes with rope.
- When you throw a knife off of a hill your enemy's health doesn't go down straight away. Sometimes it doesn't effect them at all.
- The haste potion doesn't effect draw back speed of bow at all.
- When throwing items off of a mountain, you cannot throw them off of the very edge.
- There are extra pixels in the clone potion animation.
- When a sword useruses their special and is caught by a rope, the special still continues but there is no animation.
- This might be just me, but if you die and stay on the death screen too long, you can't respawn or do anything.
- Right after you have been frozen, if you shield, the ice block effect is still on the shield.
- When you get the dog helmet from a mystery box and die, the sound effects still play after you die.
- Clones do not immediately die when you die.
- The sprite for being freezes is really messed up and boxy.
- The chest won't vibrate or animate anymore when you hit it.
- You can have worm "invincibility" when you are immune to the worm.
- I would like to see more bug fixes along with updates. There were lots more bugs but I think that's enough for now. Sayonara!
Customer support service by UserEcho
6. this sometimes doesn't work, but it's really annoying.
7. It's just bug if knife or other projectile go to place where enemy was 1-2 secs ago, he will get damage (O_o)
10. Never saw them. Haste and health potions has same pixels.
12. If you will AFK too long, game stops and you are kicked.
13. Sometimes shield saves you, but kick is best way to don't get freezed.
15. Sometimes they do.
16. This is your opinion.
17. You are lying. I was today breaking treasure chest and it was animating like it had to do.
18. This is because of lag. The same happens at guillotine.
19. This isn't a bug! XD
For 19, I couldn't turn off the list function, so...
17 I accidentaly copied
10 I was talking about mirage pot
reason for your reason about 10. I know you was talking, but haste and health potions has the same pixels, so it's not a bug.
I checked mirage pot sprites and this not have wrong pixels. Maybe cork looks like a bad pixels but it isn't.
There are the black ones or am I wrong?
Oooh I get it now. I saw all the gifs
A few black pixels in the upper left corner of the bottle is a flash.
I figured it out lol