Two-Handed Weapons
Add an option to make each weapon two-handed.
- Weapon becomes larger and has longer range
- Damage increases
- Shield is removed, so blocking will not stagger the opponent
What do y'all think?
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There was some posts about this, but I think it's good idea. I will find enemies with two-handed weapons and kill them with much ease :D
What would be a good way to balance it so that two-handed weapons are not too weak, but not op either?
this kinda remember the berseker ,_,
YOU DONT SAY? *Looks at posters name and idea
Berserker was op because it could block, spam ground attack, run faster, and spent less time on the ground when knocked down. I do not want that again. I think it would be cool to have a more customizable weapon system, but not at the cost of creating a new Berserker.
I know that too
yeah the berseker are VERY OP
i ve played with bersekers and the experience are not good )=
I would like to see this, but it would be kinda awkward with claws. In old version of Wilds, there were no shields so everything was 2 handed. Maybe different versions of weapons?
Like 2 swords instead of one? Dual hammers, dual axes (Not like berzerker) etc.
Yes I would very much like that.
cool, cost 1000:)