Under review

Lag Issues

J4sh1n 7 years ago updated by Etheric Form 7 years ago 9

Ever since about last week, I have noticed that many players, including myself, are experiencing lag. There was no update. Here is what I've found: I have conducted a test, and I have found that lag occurs in 1v1 a lot. The lag spikes seem to happen every 10-15 seconds and last for 3-5 seconds. It happens a lot when dashing, when someone dies, or uses an item. Lag does not occur in Ruins but occurs in 1v1. I have asked people and these are the results I have found.

i dont feel lag unless i bandi


I can confirm this. From some reason i have everytime more lags / slow motion in pvp and 3v3 modes. I noticed the game speed going down even when i choose 1v1 or 3v3 and waiting in ruins.

Under review

I am pretty sure it's due to the chickens thing. I am removing them :)


I noticed this around month ago. When i join to ruins i not have slow motion, but when i'am in queue for pvp, always my game works slower.

I really do not know the reason, but several people also mentioned this problem to me.

Fuck you. -,-

I don't know about everyone else, but I experience lag when ogres are around, especially when players are around the ogres as well.

I do agree with you. I especially experience a lag spike when they run, hit the ground with the hammer or just stomp. Thus another reason why I dislike fighting ogres.