weapon upgrades
give different weapons upgrades that make them better looking and more powerful. once you buy a weapon it comes up with two upgrade paths in each corner the player can upgrade each path with money. each path could be upgraded 3-4 times each.
these are some upgrades:
longer ranged special 30% / twice as much special damage (creates cracks)
special knock back / knock over enemy (shaking screen)
50% larger special / start bleeding constantly 1 damage, 2 seconds 4 times (red ray)
30% more special radius (higher jump) / 1 more damage on special (hammer glow)
build up attack huge knock back / blinds target with white flashes for 7 seconds
special has one more shock wave dealing 2 DM / releases
lightning zaps on other enemies nearby stunning and dealing 2 damage
faster block 50% / special reflects projectiles back
instant block and 0.5 more damage / special lasts 50% longer (wind circles player)
on block enemy takes 1 damage / special x2 players speed and 1 more damage
special deals half damage threw block (faster spin) / special deals 2 more damage and knocks back target (darkness pulses around player)
note: arrows don't track yet
faster re lode 30 % / special releases 5 arrows spread out (no fire)
faster re lode twice original / special arrows knock over again (blue fire)
arrows cant be kicked back / 1 more damage and arrows leave sparkle trail
arrows poison for 3 damage over 6 seconds (green arrow heads) / all arrows track enemies and move 30% faster
these are some ups but others could be thought up for other weapons
Customer support service by UserEcho
+1 I like skill trees. I would prefer unlocking perks by amount of kills with the weapon instead of money.
how about both. you need to get enough kills before you can upgrade them with money.
Yeah I'd enjoy that.
I already posted a similar idea xD