Escape teleporter in ruins
Right now having high amount of bones does not really help you much in anything, except that you can suicide somewhere and gather quater of them back or let clanmate kill you for territory gain. What if there was location where after gathering enough of them you could escape ruins and have % based on your current score added again to overall score then spawning just as if you died if you choose to?
Of course players without team should have boost to bone score if they manage to pull it off because most of the time it will be harder for them.
Months ago I played game "Hunger dungeon" which is MOBA kind of game where you would gain gold to prepare for final round where you needed to take away portal shards and stay in portal area after activating it and depending on number of them they would buff or debuff you while chanting to escape. If strong mobs would appear one day in ruins then they could have small chance of dropping items letting you escape via portal.
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