
Add a little weapon to escape

Zoero Gamer 7 years ago updated by Knight of Rage 7 years ago 3

If you have little life or if you throw your weapon at the enemy.

Idea: you can collect stones and throw them this only knocks it out a moment (it is not like to give a kick since this one stays like paralyzed or knocked 0.3 seconds) this does a damage of 0.5 the enemies can cover them with the shields

Traduccion Spanish/Español

si tienes poca vida

o si le lanzas tu arma al enemigo.
Idea: puedes recoger piedras y lanzarlas esto solo lo noquea un momento (no es como dar una patada ya que este se queda como paralizado o noqueado 0.3 segundo)este hace un daño de 0.5 los enemigos los pueden cubrir con los escudos

If there are many ways to escape running using dash

But if you run out of stamina or you're recharging the dash (that's what I hate xd) you can use the stones to knock enemies out a moment so that you will recharge the stamina a little and the dash

If you can survive 3 hammer hits in the face why would you be stunned by a lil' pebble to the face

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