Map of Players on your team? Support the idea of teaming?
Hello Rezoner, and other readers! Thanks for reading this, please upvote and comment any ideas you have on this topic!
My idea is to have a map on one of the corners of your screen in wilds.io. My idea for this map is that it shows green dots moving and simple landscape keys that resemble the mountain walls, stairs, dark holes, etc. The green dots would be the players on your team. You could have red dots (or another color) to show the enemy players, but that could provide free ways to team on vulnerable players and such.
I think this idea would help improve wilds.io because this supports the idea of teaming with other players on your team, meaning new players can easily find others to watch and learn how to play. Also, it keeps the game and map more organized for when you change the map next. That means that people can easily navigate around the map to see what else is there by following the map.
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nice idea it would be nice if it also showed the last person that killed you. For revenge purposes >:}
Nice idea! I think that would help revenge purposes like you said, but wouldn't it also allow you to hunt someone down relentlessly and be, in some sorts, annoying?
I guess but if they kill you every time then it will just boost there score and if someone else killers you then you go after them so it just depends
I would like to see a revenge option.
It does sound good. Players working together is something I would like to see.
It sounds nicely but people will have fun when someone have 200 bones. Map on....map is nearly empty only a BIG moving point with king stamp in center with all brown and all grey. "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Ha Ha."(~zbylon80, R6 Siege, when attacking side killed hostage.)
pixl said that you could only see your team and if you ffa then you could only see yourself
so this could be a half of a circle with your friends if you are king with 200 bones. On enemy map could be a second half of circle :D
This would be lit