Is the victory pose animation necessary?
For those of you who are unaware, sometimes when you kill someone (you hear the 'ding' sound) you're locked in a sort of victory pose for one second. This was added way back when ruins was sort of a new thing, along with the white diagonal lines that cut through the body (they were later removed). I think that this animation isn't really necessary, and it causes a lot of problems in combat. For one, it cancels all other character animations, even though non-movement type actions still take effect. For example, If I activate my Sword Special and immediately get a kill with it, my character assumes the victory pose even though the special hasn't ended, which leads to a lot of confusion as I can still hit people with my invisible sword special. Another problem this causes is that it stops your character from moving. Say an enemy stands between me and a closed guillotine, and we both have one health only. My plan is to roll past the enemy as the guillotine opens and therefore safely escape. However, because my roll kills the enemy, I stop rolling and do the victory pose right between the open iron jaws, and then I'm killed by the environment. If my enemy had more health, I would have escaped and quite possibly could have knocked him into the guillotine as it was closing. However, this stance killed me.
Please just remove it, it really does nothing for the game.
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I'm thinking that animation can be, but it should be able to be interrupted with any other move. This will be used sometimes for show winner over a defeated opponent depending on the situation
Yes, that would effectively solve the problem.
This is just a visual - it has no effect on gameplay - it doesn't block anything because it's just an animation on the client side. I can remove that if it causes confusion tho :)