Under review

This game is really cool i love it but there are many people who arent used to the mouse control maybe you can make anyther type of controls so we can choose?

Azazel 9 years ago updated by Elite Fart 9 years ago 3

Your game is really awesome and i love it like i said you should make

1) Another type of controls so other people can use them because controls on the mouse are slippery.

2) Your game is good for itself right now but it can always improve maybe you can add the training mode or tutorial to the game for the people who are playing it first time? first time i went to the server i was lost after 20 minutes i noticed that i have health bar and stamina. i hope youll invent tutorial it is very important.

3) Maybe you can invent some other game mods like soccer, free for all, 5 minutes game and those kind so that people can choose what do they want to do. i know there is normal game and ranked but they get boring cause theyre endless so some new mods will be better improvment!

4) It has some lags but i havent seen bugs which means that you done a great work! :D

5) Can you add more characters cause we can litearly choose one if we dont pay and thats boring. i hope you see this and i hope you listen to me bye!


Under review

1) I do have plan to add gamepad but not really more than that. Rotating character with keyboard in such a fast paced game would leave you chance-less

2) Yes it definetelly needs some kind of tutorial - although I don't have time for it now - so it will probably be some kind of a video. We shall see - it's not a priority at the moment.

3) Yes I do have CTF and Soccer (I already even have a ball implemented :) ) in mind - but I cannot fragmentate the game modes until there will be enough players - otherwise it will result in very long waiting queues (which already take 10 minutes). So yeah - but when we reach around 1000 players online

4) I have rewriten server logic this morning - it might help. Anyway I am using cheapest servers and all are in Europe. If the game earns enough I will split it to different locations - once again I have to ensure there is enough players to play together.

5) Yes - making another hero takes me about a month which I cannot afford since so much is going on around the game - but when I am done with bugs and priorities - there are going to be some new heroes - especially supportive one - and option to unlock them without Patreon.

Under review

1) I do have plan to add gamepad but not really more than that. Rotating character with keyboard in such a fast paced game would leave you chance-less

2) Yes it definetelly needs some kind of tutorial - although I don't have time for it now - so it will probably be some kind of a video. We shall see - it's not a priority at the moment.

3) Yes I do have CTF and Soccer (I already even have a ball implemented :) ) in mind - but I cannot fragmentate the game modes until there will be enough players - otherwise it will result in very long waiting queues (which already take 10 minutes). So yeah - but when we reach around 1000 players online

4) I have rewriten server logic this morning - it might help. Anyway I am using cheapest servers and all are in Europe. If the game earns enough I will split it to different locations - once again I have to ensure there is enough players to play together.

5) Yes - making another hero takes me about a month which I cannot afford since so much is going on around the game - but when I am done with bugs and priorities - there are going to be some new heroes - especially supportive one - and option to unlock them without Patreon.

ok thank you :D i hope all that will happen remember, i go in credits ;) (lol just kidding)