Seria genial un modo de juego que fuese un mundo abierto, el mapa fuese mucho más extenso, hubiesen diferentes zonas (con biomas distintos) y por ejemplo en cada bioma pudieran aparecen diferentes criaturas y jefes.
Tambien seria genial tener un lugar propio (casa, territorio, un castillo que defender...)
de momento son las ideas que se me han ocurrido, me gustaria que me dieseis vuestra opinion, gracias :) FIN DE LA IDEA ( SPANISH)
It would be great if a game mode were open, the map was much larger, there were different zones (with different biomes) and for example in each biome could appear different creatures and bosses.
It would also be great to have a place of your own (home, territory, a castle to defend ...)
For the moment are the ideas that have occurred to me, I would like you to give me your opinion, thanks :) END OF THE IDEA (INGLISH)
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I wrote the text with google translator XDDD
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Like Minecraft?
I'd like to see a map that has grass, trees, and maybe dirt instead of desert.
what is your name in game?
yeee, beatiful green meadows, white snowy landscapes etc, etc... beatifuuuls landscapes
Ports where I catch boats, etc etc. infinity ideas