
I think the hammer its not like the changelog says

DeliciousCupcake 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 1

So... the hammer does 2hp damage, i NOT seen do 3hp dmg, and the front and circle atack: how can we decide which one we use?



You are right changelog is outdated.

Frontal attack is when u hit someone staright in the face

Circle is the circle around the hit area.

You don't decide which one to use - they both fire when hit is landed.

Anyway I have updated changelog (and hammer again :)


You are right changelog is outdated.

Frontal attack is when u hit someone staright in the face

Circle is the circle around the hit area.

You don't decide which one to use - they both fire when hit is landed.

Anyway I have updated changelog (and hammer again :)