

whatever 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 7 years ago 9

Why is there no football in the new version? Could you please bring it back? That was the most fun thing about Wilds.



Done. I am now working on a dash move that may play well with football mode.

Under review

Ahoy. I think it will be back tomorrow - I have broken a few things and had to turn it off because it crashes the servers. Also there will be a change regarding match-making. It takes way too long now - so I will let guest players play also - but if you are logged in you will first be matched with pro players - then noobs.


Cool! Have you thought of changing it to 4vs4 to make the queue time shorter? That would also make football more team play oriented, as there would be much more space for passing. You could also increase the speed of the ball by a little bit to make it more dynamic.

What makes you unsatisfied? I have brought football back.


I just want to be able to kick the football around.

Football is back and guess what? I can't find a team to play!

What for sake is wrong with you guys?!

Maybe it was just a bit too late for EU players. Hohoho managed to win at least 30 games :D


Done. I am now working on a dash move that may play well with football mode.


Football in its current state isn't that fun neither for guests nor better players, as there's too much of a skill difference between them. How about introducing 2v2 football on a much smaller field with a matchmaking system similar to arena one? If it was only 2v2, then there should be enough players to make it work.

Or at least please bring back tribes, so we have the option to play with better players on the same team.