

OnderaZ 8 years ago updated by J4sh1n 8 years ago 1

I'll try to be quick and brief.
The consquists, unlike the missions, would not give gold and would also be more difficult. Your reward would be some kind of small broxe with an image, and you could see someone's consquistances by the profile of that person. When you clicked someone's name on the leaderboard or rank, the profile option would appear. There, in addition to being able to see the player's achievements, you would see their current skin, their classification of bone, arena and CTFs that, for some reason, still exists.
As you complete, new and more difficult accomplishments would be unlocked. The available achievements can be lit by a new icon in the menu.
Some achievements could be:
Kill 10 bears
Kill 5 ogres
Reach 1,000 bones
If someone has more than 1,000 bones, this achievement would have been accomplished
I know you must be tired of doing things like these Rez, but to me that's a good mechanic ...
If you have more ideas for achievements, write them down.

I'm refreshing this time-forgotten idea

I made a topic on this already