An Advanced Combat Guide 1/29/17
All guides - http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2048-guides/
Now, I'm no master of Wilds, but I've been playing since the 3-health pre-Beta, so I do have some experience in the game. This guide is meant for players who have mastered the basic controls and have grasped how actions interact with one another. This series of tips and examples is meant to help you take your game to the next step.
Keep in mind that this guide will not make you an instant god on the battlefield, and you have to actively work to incorporate these policies into your game in order to improve.
Now let's get in to the tips!
1: Awareness of the environment
In any given engagement, three factors come into play: your team, the enemy's team, and the turf in which the engagement is taking place. In order to become a great player, you must constantly and actively pay attention to where you are fighting. You need to know your surroundings before you can use them to your advantage.
Walls/trees/furniture: These factors hinder movement of players, provide cover from ranged attacks, and will do extra damage when a player is knocked into them. Putting your back to a wall will make it easier to combat multiple opponents, and pinning your opponent against a wall will make it harder for him to escape. It is easier to predict an opponent's movement when their possible paths are restricted by walls and the like, and so ranged attacks have increased value.
Fissures: These obstacles reward a more careful, measured player who focuses on defending themselves more than dealing lots of damage to enemies. Again, having your back to a pit will help you block safely as people are wary to roll, however, hugging the edge of the cliff is obviously an invitation to get knocked into oblivion. Fissures make it easy to target players attempting to cross them, which is what makes the treasure room so hard to take from enemy possession.
Those Chompy Doorways: A mostly self-explanatory obstacle. Only attempt to guard at the doors if you know what you're doing, as a competent pusher can easily swap positions with you and put you in those metal jaws. Keep in mind that you can dash through the doors while they are closed, but not while they are closing. Chomp. This makes a good getaway or retreat device.
Yetis (bears): Yetis can be attacked and defeated easily, but left alone, they pack a massive punch. Steer clear of these hulking figures in a large group engagement, but feel free to put your back to a yeti in order to punish aggressive opponents.
2: Study your opponent, and be unpredictable
If you ever find yourself against one player who seems to always get the better of you, pay extra attention to their preferred move set: How do they initiate? How do they respond upon being knocked down? What do they do after knocking you down? Making note of an enemy in this way will make you much more prepared to fight them the next time.
Of course, the opposite applies: if you find someone you were beating before is catching up to you, change things up. Vary your attacks. Do what feels like exactly the wrong thing to do, and your opponent will never expect such. Self-variance will ultimately increase your survivability when going head-to-head with others of similar skill value.
One extremely rewarding playstyle I have adopted is a more passive one: Once your opponent is knocked over, instead of the normal guessing game or immediate action, take a step back and let them make the first move, and be ready to counter it. literally putting more space in between you and your opponent will make it easier to read their cycles and counter them. While you're backpedaling, feel free to charge your strong attack: you can cancel the charge at any time, and in the case that your opponent recovers with kick, jump, or roll, one extra damage is a great advantage.
3: Keep track of your health, items, and special.
Constant awareness of your items and special ability during combat will grant you collectedness during large teamfights. Never underestimate any of the included items in the game, while Knife and Health Potion are the most popular used, Speed potion will let you shred through groups of enemies, an a well-placed Mine will act as an excellent escape device or an effective finisher if an especially dangerous opponent finds themselves frozen, stunned, or knocked down.
No matter what weapon you are using, your special attack is the most powerful trick up your sleeve. You should always know when it's on and off cooldown, and you should adjust your playstyle accordingly. I have seen many people rush and die because they assumed their special attack was online and didn't bother checking, and I did it quite a bit myself.
At full health, you are granted eight health points, or sixteen halves. At any moment, you should be acutely aware of how much health you have left and what that means for your survivability. For example, at six health, you can withstand two melee attacks. At seven health, you can withstand three. At three health, you can withstand one melee attack, however, at four, you cannot be taken down by a melee + roll or melee + kick. Keeping track of how much punishment you can take will tell you how to play in a teamfight, when to attack, retreat, and support at a distance.
An underlying theme of AWARENESS is present with all of these tips. While raw skill, possession of the best items, and an overwhelming force of numbers will grant you an advantage, a next step must be taken, and that is ultimate awareness of the complete situation. Hopefully, these core rules of better combat will make you a force to be reckoned with in the world of wilds.
All guides - http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2048-guides/
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Well written guide, very valid tips.Good tips for all types of combat, however it is heavily centered around ruins, with the yeti, walls and such.
Whats your wilds io name i'd like to play with you :D
Really achilles?
Even if we do have our grudges aR, nice post.
Nicely said. I would've said something else but I can't come up with anything that would be.. logical.
The environment matters, yes. But don't use it too much. people can punish you back with it.