
How to make a shop?

Dead Wolf 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 15

Image 1385


lel what is your name in the game?

I changed it. I can even go to wilds.io with you right now and say that I am the legit.


Heh good old times :3

Wheres shop keeper at?

i dontget it

it's perfect. Your shop is the best in town...until all the items despawn...I cry every time... :(


Old good times :D Recruiting someone from opposite team to guard against your teammates, getting items from center of the map and running with long jumps... Rez destroyed it! :D


oh yea shopkeeper legit he was a real shop keeper man

he disappeared when the new map came out


That is not at all true.

So much wood, can I bring some? xD