Under review

@Rez: Mech Shooter Game?

Sir Brutal 7 years ago updated by Sir Masakiller 7 years ago 19

Hey Rezoner,

When's the Mech Shooter game coming out?

oh yea i was also wondering that

Under review

I want to announce beta tests on userecho this month because I need players help to balance it.


Ill be glad to help ":D

I'am ready :D

What do you mean by beta?

I'd like to try it too.


i view the mech shooter game a few of months if you not know what is

here are the videos

yee me too

I can help, I use C# thi


When this comes out, Rez will become a god-like version of Sidney De Vries.

Rez would be better!

lol sidney. im in his server, but its technically not his

i needs to tezt it pleaseive been here since the berserker for vips


When's the beta testing coming?

Its coming this week Guys!

I'll help in any way I can :)