

King Voldoran 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 10

Two teams enter a dungeon the first one to get to the end has to fight a boss, (like a buffed ogre) and then a mega chest  spawns with a bunch of gold spit evenly among the players.

what about a...


no but srsly rezoner has alot of stuff to do and there is way better things he could do.

dude are you addiccted to this game?

you sound like a 12 year old that think being a server mod is "cool"

Welp,everyone has their own opinion.I get it that you don't agree at all with this idea,but don't be so harsh on him,just relax.

On other hand,this idea isn't bad in my opinion,though it'd pass some time until this is added.Having buffed ogre's good but a bit op aswell and the main prize;mega chest with all these coins'd be great,though this equal rewards to every player isn't bad to add,but not that neccesary now.Still +1 cuz' I'm ok with this.


Please stop posting huge ideas that you know will never get added,you are cluttering the forum,and if you do want to add a big idea,give rezoner some help by making textures,he needs textures and not (a lot) ideas.

that cant be a good "idea" , sorry

Not bad idea. Still I wanted to point out for everyone that if you want to leave suggestions on this site they should have at least 2 reasons to be implemented (as example: barbaric feel, gameplay improvement, attracting new players and keeping them in). You shouldnt post an idea just because you thought it will be cool


You do realize that the wilds.io community isn't big enough to support another mode, otherwise it would "splinter-ize"  the players.