
Bring back size difference

King Voldoran 8 years ago updated by Seal (Im still alivee) 8 years ago 17

Image 2320

awhile back, of you were in the top 7 or so on the leaderboard, you grew bigger and had a larger attack radius. i don't know why they took this out, but i liked it.

umm...because this was OP?

are you just dissing everything I post on purpose?


My irritation of you is rising quite quickly. You just wrote in description a fact that the bigger you was, the larger attack radius you got. And I have to tell you, it was giving advantage to king on leaderboard, that he could hit everyone in his large radius when others couldn't. And this was OP, so players was trying to get as much points as it's possible. BTW Rezoner tried to make this system work again on "Meele" gamemode, before you played this game, but players with 100+ bones was same size as ogre. Now you just have to wait for Rezoner's answer why he took it out.

PS. Next time try to understand what I'm posting.

For f*ck sake,you two won't stop arguing like bunch of toddlers.

to be honest i don't want the sizes to come with any buffs. it was just fun to have different sizes between players

Here I can agree that this was funny to kill little people and to feel like real king of server.

Lucky you.Never thought of it like that,never felt that in general.

It's not necessary right now.

the size thing was so cool

This feature was nice, but it doesn't really fit the game we have now. Rez tried to add it in melee mode, a mode with only melee weapons that more closely resembled the old beta game, but it died quickly due to not enough players on it.

it didnt work so well in melee because you took the first bone and BOOF youre double size from the initial one

"...and POOF* youre double size..."

Titan shifters revealed!

Hey,I'm not such big fan of titan shifters,which they in cost only live for 14 years after first transformation.It's better to be super-soldier like Levi or Mikasa.

In my opinion is nice to see all players with equal size.

There should be no difference in size for me.