Bone Arena.
To start off, it would be nice to see how much total bones each tribe has.
I really love playing in arena, your score and points are on the line, and when things get really heated I get a lot of adrenaline pumping in me. Every time I look at the map I am filled with a bit of hunger for land domination.
Those two things combined and you have a bone arena. However I want this to be a tribe thing instead of a personal thing. By that I mean when a player wins bones they do not go into the player's pocket but instead into a specific tribe storage called "Bones won". When playing in the arena the player has to bet his/her own bones though. This would prevent exploiting.
I feel like this would make the entire gameplay more interesting (mainly because grinding bones to advance your tribe is kind of boring when you have all that skill laying around). The only issue I had was that we don't want pros to be destroying poor beginners. That just wouldn't be right.
So I propose making a new leaderboard for how many bones someone has won, this would prevent pro's from killing noobs and make the whole experience more fun and thrilling. After all I'm not going to get adrenaline from fighting noobs and we also don't want them quitting on the first day.
I also feel this would be beneficial to the game. Most pro's stay for either the thrill of arena (or maybe they want to be high on the leaderboard) or to farm bones for their tribe. This arena would also show the noobs the value of bones and hopefully they will get sucked into the need to gather bones, therefore increasing play time, but will also keep the pro's in and hopefully have the ones that have left come back because now they have a better, more entertaining goal.
The current arena gives players gold (which isn't that valuable to pros who have unlocked their favourite weapons) and it also gives them a desire to be on the leaderboard, but having a lot of bones at stake is more fun. The higher the amount of bones won the higher the stakes, however they should not be too high because it might discourage people. The beginning amount should be 15 or so and go as high as 50.
Another reason I am writing this idea is because I love wilds and would love to play more but going fort to grind bones just isn't the same as it was when I first started, I am getting more and more skilled and there is also the adrenaline part, haha.
Please like if you agree or love arena. The like button does magic.. so like anyway.
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I actually LOVE this idea, the only thing is, do we bet PERSONAL bones or TRIBE bones?
Personal Bones
Another idea is to add clan leaderboards: http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/3530-clan-leaderboard/
Anyway nice idea (+1)
"...of adrenaline pumping in me..." ZzZzZz
This is too long. Jeez!
It's not too long, sure it could be made shorter but I have addressed all the important points.
More memes XD