Friendly battles and battles among tribes

issa04 8 years ago updated by kanguror 8 years ago 3

Hi everyone, today I want to propose to add friendly battles and battles among the tribes. In the red space that I show you in this image, you should add another block called "Friendly battles and battles between tribes".

Each tribe member can make a request to make a friendly battle (1v1) with another member who will have to click the button to join, other members can assist the ongoing battle.

Image 1818

Battles between tribes: every three days members of tribes will have to make 2v2 battles with members of other tribes. For tribes that will arrive before (based on the number of victories made by members) members will receive each one a reward. Don't forget to vote and comment. I hope it has helped you, issa04.

The 3 players who won more games will have a better reward than others

I have no idea about the rewards ...

more land and gold