Bring back all around block
I am so tired of noobs and players who team ganging up and you can not block more then one side now which makes is easy to get hit even 2 can kill you with no real fight, you always die and its hard to get away because the stamina will not last so they will chase you down and even if you kill them they come back full HP.
Fix bring back where you can block all around you.

Lava thats plain stupid idc if you are good you should be able to escape. It doesnt really affect much in my opinion

Again, directional block was implemented for a reason. Without it, bow and wand are horrible. And honestly if you're any good then you know not to get involved in groupfights in the first place. Honestly, it sounds like you just came from a salty ragequit.

Escaping did not change much, especially quick escapes because they never been nerfed.
How you try to flee if you can't escape? You do dashes, quickrolls or quickjumps? This should be enough even vs big team chasing you.

Now guys, give him a break. I can see where he comes from. It is rather annoying getting 5v1'd and not being able to do anything about it.

Especially when you see a lot of professional players on the server and they just keep hunting you down because you have the most bones even though you tried to get them to stop.

I think it is good for ranged, but melee is just clusterfck, especially when multiple enemies are attacking you.
I would like to keep directional block, but only for ranged attacks; which means that if you block a melee attack, the block is not directional.

LoL this is just Amazing idea!!! This solve two problems in one change. Go make post about it Vyk :D

Fortunately I have read it here. I am not sure if it is intuitive enough. I can also increase the blocking arc for meele, leaving just a little hole if you are being hit clearly in the back

This can solve problem, because current directional block make melee fights too hard. Now with left click spam two or three players can kill very experienced player, and with this method new players not learn anything. But Vykrad idea is also very good. This is most balanced in my opinnion. But we must check this in real gameplay.

Aww, i had so much fun dashing behind enemy and stabbling him 1-2 times... If you get left spammed then why not simply block and overkill with mine? You can also simply not run right in-between them or teamwork with your team.

Every one tactic looks good in words but in practice fight is more complicated. You not every time have items, also enemies hunt you when you are king. Sometimes block not work because enemies not everytime attack from one side. Especially in no team side where in most situations you not have support from players.

You go no team so you don't have to share bones with anyone. If you let enemy flank you then you obviously will be at disadvantage, teamwork should be rewarded, silly moves should be punished by enemy if they react fast enough.. You trade that possibility of teamwork for possibility of getting bones faster or bigger challenge.
It is up to Rezoner if he want wilds to reward teamwork or let players be one man armies that can be deflecting axe blow from behind them with fart that stuns enemy while they shield front I guess. :P

Yes teamworking is rewarded but with current blocking playing solo is very hard. Block should counter attack but now it's not work good and you can be easily overwhelmed. But this is also dependent of playing style. Now so much people just run away from battle what is bad in my opinion.

This is when daggers come into play which are easily obtainable in ruins. Solo should be hard when you rush bunch of enemies at same time, pick them one by one or switch targets when they don't expect that, use environmental hazards in your advantage etc.
If they have number advantage theyre likely to chase you, use that in your advantage too. And don't say you don't want to fler, first days after charge nerf you happily did this almost whole time(And complained on chat when I started returning favor to you :>)...

Strategy and movement is important but with current blocking system only few strategies is good and most of them is about run and back with counter. Unfortunately the last words are not true. Sometimes i run but behind runner. I am a 1vs1 fighting fan, and the escape only applies when a lot of people try to hunt me down. I noticed that you like to hunt for players with a lot of bones. Same for me. But this is not place for talking about personal playing style. If you want talk about it go to discord, i am often in this place.

sounds fair enough. maybe a 270 degree arc or something for melee, but 180 for ranged.
Note: hammer is actually sorta ok now that you can hammer special and land behind them, dealing 1 damage even if they block (unless they turn around fast enough).
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LoL this is just Amazing idea!!! This solve two problems in one change. Go make post about it Vyk :D