
When CTF Comeback? Or 3v3 :P

Gizli Kalmalı (dElİd0lU) 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

Old map was good :/

And it was so funny game.

When Come Back CTF?

3v3 is so cool too :D

Now is not the right time - If another game mode be added now there will be few players in each game mode.

Fort= 50-60 players

Zombie=10-15 players

CTF or 3v3= 5 players

Browars and arena=1-5 players


(this when there are many players)

Yeah, someone (sorry i forgot who) suggested having maps cycled, like a dfferent one every week, so +1

CTF was great mode,not to easy but not to difficult.It was awesome and intense.Too bad it was removed.

I think ; if 3v3 is back all will enter it.

İt was so cool game mode.

Old players is knows it.