Under review


GOD Akuma No Hakaijin 7 years ago updated by ifram 7 years ago 10

In the games you could put medieval music, on the map bad there is no music would fit well.

do you even know what english is man? do you talk in english? HABLÁS EN INGLES?

Przepraszam, nie rozumiem :D


edit:OH google traductor actually helped me

The silence is better over the music that rotates over . Silence

If its some bad music that repeats over and over again, no thanks

Under review

Music = lags.


Did you remove those voices (bue, vrngh) because of that?

No, I removed them, because I needed those keys back for usefeul stuff :)

Music would make it better. Right now if you turn the volume on all you hear is grunts and skidding noises. Which honestly sounds really weird...

and that my friend is why i turn my sound off :)