
What is the ranking system?

Paradoc 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

Like idk the ranking systems, or what my bone symbol represents. It would be nice to have a profile that says how many kills you have, bones collected, bone rank,etc


Ruins = Bones with you collected in your career.

1v1/3v3 = Arena rank, victory or loss changes it by 10.

CTF = Flags captured.

Soccer = Goals scored.

In Arena, CTF and Soccer you can get bones too. Most of them you can get in soccer.

On leaderboard you can see in all 4 modes people who get most of: bones, flags, arena points and goals.

thx but im looking for what the bone PICS represent.

It would be nice to be able to see your own profile,right now you just die and look

my posts never get "under review" lol

along with the new menu update, there should be a player profile with the arena rank