
Play as goblin!

Lordy 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 20

I know this sounds weird but I think it would be really funto play as a goblin and run into people (causes 1 or 2 dmg) and maybe they can have a special attack that helps people (a special that gives a random health, swiftness, knifes etc...) killing these little guys has been fun and frustrating! I just think it would be more fun if people played as them (maybe use as a cooldown or when people die they play as goblin until respawn time is up :) Please considered this idea!


Pls don't post more than 1 idea per week. We have too much spam on forum, and also Rez make rule about it. You can add multiple bugs and questions.

And i like your idea, this can be funny.


Sorry :( and yes I think it would be hirlarious


Why does this post have so many up-votes, and the original post that this one was derived from has so many down votes? Seems fucking weird to me. lol

Original idea: http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2308-new-class-these-green-things-controller/


Heh pretty funny. Poor guy who posted originally

Oh I wonder why..


um what? I was the first one to post something like this??? wtf you talking about?


This was already posted. Why did you post it again? From the real Lord Karma


yaeh, That was posted after my idea dipshit! and stop using Lord Karma when ur not the real Lord Karma.


1. I am real Lord Karma

2. wow saying "dipshit" so mature


The posts were made on the same day, and the OP don't have time stamps, so the only way the verify this is through Rezoner. But I think I'm right.



(sorry reddit user here)


Well if he did post this before, I didnt know about it

Probably subliminal messaging.


no, because I didnt know about until now, so stop critisizing me

It would definitely be fun. However, it would not fit in with the current character system. I'd like to see it implemented in the goblin survival idea, as Ukryty mentioned above.

Its not really a character system. Its just a way too play them until you respawn or something like that or you have the option to play them in the respawn menu.